Friday, July 22, 2011

An open letter to…retail


I have decided that Another Retail Christmas will be closing its doors after this post. There is something quite poignant about wrapping up my retail career and my blog about despising it, at the same time.

It has taken 150 posts (yay…cracked a milestone), and three the day (another milestone!), but I have gotten there.

What’s in a break? Farewell Food #4

The final stop on my farewell tour was also one of my most guilty pleasures.


In my opinion, there is no greater joy in life than a hung-over trip to KFC to ‘do the Dew’ as my friend (and graphic designer) Kim and I enjoyed doing on our weekends together.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Being 24: Getting a haircut…from a professional

I was right, being 24 helped me start my career.

Life begins at 24, not 40.

Now that I have gotten my start, I have decided that I need to start doing things a bit more professionally.

Heard on the Selling Floor

Being a flippant sales assistant is fun. Very fun.

Over the course of the last two weeks as I’ve been counting down to my final day, which is now TOMORROW, I have been less and less patient with the jerk customers.

In the last few days, I have even lost my patience with the nice ones.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

RDOs Amigos: My final mid-week RDO. It All Ends.

I never thought it would happen, but I think I am actually getting nostalgic for the last decade of which I have, on and off, worked in retail.

It isn’t all because of retail, however.

Today was my final mid-week RDO.

Bargain Bin Bonanza: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie

In the final post in my Bowie appreciation series I thought it appropriate to look at his 1972 opus, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars…which I am just going to call Ziggy Stardust, as it is most commonly referred to anyway, because I am lazy.

Ziggy Stardust tells the story of a human/alien being that is trying to give earth hope after it is announced there is only five years left of existence, as there are no more resources.

To me, it is quite possibly the most intricate, thought out and creative albums ever made. The theatricality of it all is perfect and helps build the narrative of Ziggy, which is awesome.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Spotted on the Selling Floor: Ray Liotta

In my time in retail I have been witness to the shopping exploits of the who’s that of the Australian social and entertainment scenes.

I have also been a witness to a myriad of my career crushes.

The cherry on my star-spotting cake, until today, sadly was Britney Spears.